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Blue background with white connections to make a web
A desktop screen showing the Flow Platform's log in screen. The background of the log in sceen is a sand timer with the Earth in the bottom being flooded by water from a melting ice berg in the top.

The Flow Platform offers a full suite of tools and capabilities to enable a circular economy. Robust reporting capabilities allow for informed decision-making and strategy management to support reducing environmental impacts. Increase efficiency, effectiveness, and supply chains all within one platform.

Optimising Supply Chain Operations and Advanced Integration

What is The Flow Platform?

The Flow Platform sets a new standard for sustainable business practices using advanced digital twin technology, artificial intelligence (AI)/machine learning (ML) algorithms, and Internet of Things (IoT). Integration with existing business systems is supported to enhance functionality and business operations, no need to swap new systems or software. With a sophisticated reporting system, decision-making is much easier with detailed insights and analytics. Generate reports and sustainability documents to show regulatory compliance with legislation and for auditing purposes. 

A laptop showing the Flow Platform log in page. Next to each side of the laptop, it shows a screen on either side. On the left side, it shows the reporting page consisting of three pie charts in a light blue. On the right side, it shows that products management screen.

Tailored Tracking Information

Transform physical products into digital products to allow for life cycle tracking to create optimised supply chain operations. The Flow Platform enables and supports circular economies, encouraging efficiency and sustainable practices.

Digital Twin Creation Icon - A magnifying glass looking at a digital code in a white outline with a dark blue background

Digital Twin Creation

Assign a unique identity (via QR codes or RFID tags) to each physical product to track and management of each item to view its usage, lifecycle, and current status.

Distributed Network Tracking Icon - A coffee cup with a QR code on it in a white outline with a dark blue background

Distributed Network Tracking

The Flow Platform tracks products through all stages to ensure efficient circulation and utilisation of products, reducing redundancy and waste.

Real-Time Scanning and Instructions Icon -  A real time placement with a QR code being scanned in a white outline and a dark blue background

Real-Time Scanning & Instructions

At every checkpoint, products are scanned and instructions are provided for seamless transitions, product management, and improved logistics speed and accuracy.

AI/ML-Driven Decisions Engine Icon - A technology icon with AI in it in a white outline and dark blue background

AI/ML-Driven Decisions Engine

IoT-generated data is analysed by Artificial Intelligence and machine learning algorithms to provide predictive analytics and insights, informing supply chain decisions.

Web3.0, IoT nd Blockchain Integration Icon - three blocks with WEB 3.0 written above it in a white outline and a dark blue background

Web 3.0, IoT & Blockchain Integration

Highly secure, decentralised, and user-centric approach to data management and communication is created using Web 3.0, IoT, and blockchain.

IoT-Enabled Supply Chain and Reverse Logistics Icon - A house with wifi signals in a white outline and a dark blue background

IoT-Enabled Supply Chain and Reverse Logistics

Uses IoT technology for real-time tracking and management of packing products, leading to efficient restocking and redistribution.


Using advanced technology, the Flow Platform provides features necessary to enable a circular economy and enhance supply chains. The Flow Platform implements systems for sustainable practices to be optimised.

Enhanced Product Lifecycle Management Icon - A box with arrows going around it in a dark blue outline with a white background

Enhanced Product Lifecycle Management

Optimised Supply Chain Efficiency Icon - Two packaging boxes on a loading trolley in a dark blue outline with a white background

Optimised Supply Chain Efficiency

Reduced Environmental Impact Icon - An Earth and a leaf in a dark blue outline and a white background

Reduced Environmental Impact

Data-Driven Decision Making Icon - A computer screen with data and analytics with a magnifying glass in a dark blue outline and white background

Data-Driven Decision Making

Improved Consumer Engagement and Trust Icon - Hands shaking in a dark blue outline and white background

Improved Consumer Engagement & Trust

Cost Savings and Increased Margins - A wallet with a pound coin on the front in a dark blue outline and a white background

Cost Savings & Increased Margins

Global Sustainability Icon - The Earth with two arrows around it in a dark blue outline and a white background

Global Sustainability


From detailed reporting to enhanced management, the Flow Platform creates various benefits that aid business decisions and operations.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The Flow Platform supports sustainability by emphasising the reuse of packaging materials to reduce dependency on single-use options and decreasing waste. Valuable data-driven insights are provided to allow businesses to make environmentally conscious decisions and understand their impact on sustainability.

    Circular economy models are supported through the Flow Platform to encourage recycling and the reuse of resources. 

    The platform plays a crucial role in reducing environmental impacts by minimising the use of new materials and providing a more sustainable eco-friendly approach to business operations. 

    Sustainability reports and documents can be generated to showcase and claim compliance with sustainability legislation, regulations and standards. Audits and sustainability reports can be stored and maintained as digital records.

  • To use the Flow Platform, the following is required:

    • Internet connectivity

    • Compatible hardware, such as smartphones or scanners

    Additionally, businesses should have adequate data storage and processing capabilities. If integrating the Flow Platform with existing business systems, access to the supply chain management and customer relationship management software is needed.

    Whilst not a requirement, user training is beneficial to maximise the benefits of the platform - to find out about specific training requirements and further information, contact us.

  • Circulayo has implemented industry best practices to protect user and business data, this includes:

    • Strict compliance with data protection regulations, such as GDPR and data privacy laws

    • Regular security audits to identify and address potential vulnerabilities

    • Access controls allowing authorised individuals to access sensitive data


    Circulayo is transparent about data collection and usage, and obtains user consent. The company also follows the principle of data minimisation, collecting only necessary data and retaining it for the required duration.

  • We have a dedicated customer support team available to address user inquiries, technical issues and general assistance. We also have documentation, including user guides and manuals, to aid users in navigating the platform's features. 

    Training programmes and resources are also available to facilitate user onboarding and ensure proficiency in using the platform. 

    Regular updates and maintenance is conducted to ensure the platform continues to operate smoothly and maintain security. 

  • The Flow Platform supports a broad range of packaging materials commonly used in industries, this includes:

    • Reusable Plastics (both rigid and flexible)

    • Glass

    • Metal

    • Paper

    • Cardboard

    • Wood

    • Textiles

    • Composite Materials

    • And other environmentally friendly options, such as biodegradable plastics and renewable materials. 

    For precise details on compatibility on specific packaging materials supported, please contact us

  • The Flow Centre provides impact metrics that measure the sustainable impact of businesses. Metrics include, but are not limited to:

    • Carbon footprint

    • Waste reduction

    • Material efficiency

    • Supply chain optimisation

    • Consumer engagement levels

    • Packaging reuse frequency

    • Recycling rates

    • Broad environmental impacts associated with packaging choices

    • Cost savings

    • Goal progression 

    The specific metrics monitored can be tailored to the requirements and sustainability goals of the business/user.

  • The Flow Platform actively supports supply chain transparency through a multifaceted approach of tracking and tracing packaging materials and their journey from production to distribution. Data sharing among supply chain stakeholders allows for collaborative transparency. 

    Real-time information on the status and location of packaging enhances the ability to identify and address issues efficiently.

    The platform also complies with sustainability standards and certification with transparent reporting of supply chain practices. Using reporting and analytics tools, valuable insights of the sustainability and environmental impact of supply chain activities further enhance transparency. 

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